Combe Down Art Trail 10 September 2023
I will be at the next trail 7 & 8 September 2024. Visit Combe Down Art Trail website for more details nearer the time.

Cam Valley Arts Trail 4 & 5 November 2023
I will be part of this trail 4 & 5 November 2023. Visit the Cam Valley Art Trail website for more information.

The Little Christmas Pop-up Shop
I will be part of this gorgeous Christmas event 23 – 26 November 2023. View the website for more information here: Little Christmas Pop Up Shop

Wylye Valley Art Trail, Wiltshire/Dorset border.
The next scheduled WVAT will be in May 2025. The 2023 trail dates were 29 April -7 May 2023.
My venue: The Stables, Milton SP3 6BG
Web listing:
Previously I have shown my work at my old family home in a converted stables and taught plein air “Painting on the lawn”.
WVAT is a gorgeous trail of studios, galleries and barns exhibiting art across the Wiltshire/Dorset border – well worth an explore!

Widcombe Art Trail:
Unfortunately I am unable to make the annual Widcombe Art Trail in 2024. My Mini Bath Prints are available for purchase from Flamingo gift shop in Widcombe Parade (the site of my old studio!)

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